Relying on its experience and expertise, Zarin Industrial and Mining Group has implemented or is in the process of implementing a series of important and strategic projects in the field of mineral extraction and processing. Some of these projects are discussed below:
Location: Zanjan
Details: Exploitation and extraction of Angoran lead and zinc mine, which is one of the most important mines in Iran. This project includes mining and ore processing operations to produce lead and zinc concentrates.
Location: Zanjan
Details: Construction of an equipped factory for the processing of lead and zinc ore and the production of concentrates and metal ingots. Using advanced technologies, this factory has a high production capacity and offers quality products to the market.
Location: Mahenshan, Zanjan
Details: extracting ore from this mine and transferring it to processing units to produce metal concentrates.
Location: Ijerud, Zanjan
Details: Lead and zinc ore processing using modern technologies to produce high quality products.
Location: International markets
Details: Exporting processed products from lead and zinc to various Asian and European countries, strengthening presence in global markets and increasing export share.
Location: Tabas and Mehriz
Details: Identification and exploitation of new lead and zinc mines in Tabas and Mehriz regions to increase production capacity and supply more raw materials.
Location: Zanjan
Details: Establishment and launch of an acceleration unit to support and develop start-up businesses in the field of mining and related industries. This unit works to strengthen innovation and entrepreneurship in the mining industry.
Location: Zanjan and Ijerud
Details: Investing in advanced technologies to improve processing processes and increase production efficiency. This project includes upgrading existing equipment and technologies and research and development in new fields.
Location: all over the country
Details: Implementation of numerous projects in the field of social responsibility, including charity programs, development of educational and health infrastructure in deprived areas and support of local communities.